Santa Maria, 5500 S. Western
For more than a decade, St. Paul's parishioners have been traveling to our Latino Episcopal Church in South Oklahoma City for a Christmas visitation. What began as a cookie-sharing event became a Las Posadas celebration of the Holy Family's arrival in Bethlehem. As the event evolved through the years, we began providing a full service dinner service to the Santa Maria congregation. In recent years we have spent an entire year in preparation for the visitation, in which we gave gift bags to more than 100 Santa Maria children. We owe a great debt of gratitude to Cherie Tompkins for tirelessly working to provide her hand made scarves and woolen hats and gloves to Santa Maria parishioners to keep out the cold. She and Angelica Bulnes shopped for the children and Sarita Redd created a lavish buffet.
Earlier this year, Santa Maria clergy and laity, having acquired a brand new Church building on S. Western and SW 55th street (5500 S. Western) have wished to begin a new chapter in our relationship. The congregation wishes to be in more of an equal partnership with us, therefore they have asked that we discontinue our past efforts and plan with them for a new style of ministry. They have invited us to be with them to celebrate their new life on December 2.
Our own Canon musician Scott Raab will be the featured organist, on an organ the congregation has not yet heard played! This is a very exciting time for Santa Maria and an exciting time for us to be partners with them in a new life. Santa Maria children will process to Canon Raab's music and we will all join in a Festive celebration of Lessons and Carols. Come and join in as we mark this very important new chapter in our friendship at 6 pm on Thursday, December 2. A reception will follow in the new church Fellowship hall.