Why a remanufactured engine make more sense than ever: With new car prices climbing year after year, more and more dollar-concious car and truck owners have grabbed on to what has long been a smart idea; replacing a worn out engine with a new one.
Can a remanufactured engine perform better?
Does it make economic sense to buy a new car?
Or is it smarter to install a rebuilt engine?
A complete engine rebuild from the block up.
If your vehicle is in good shape but your engine isn't, replacing your engine is probably your best bet. It doesn't matter how old or worn out your engine is. You can exchange a poorly running oil gulping engine for a carefully remanufactured engine that will deliver "New Car" performance.
You'll be helping the environment, by purchasing a "remanufactured engine" you'll be saving precious resources and energy, while greatly extending the service life of your car and it's parts.
Initial savings can be tremendous, since a remanufactured engine costs only about 10% of the cost of a new car.
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