Life Enhancement and Extension Through Stress Management
We all live in a stressful society where much of our "angst" causes us to lose control, develop an "anger in" and become victims of a "hurry sickness". To protect ourselves from illness and to lead to a happier and more productive life, we must know about our stress, our levels of it and what to do about it.
Benefits of Stresscom...
Understand how stress affects work and productivity.
Offers proven techniques and treatments for managing stress.
Helps you understand how stress is related to heart disease and possibly cancer.
Identifies which of the 6 areas of your stress is the highest.
Costs only $9.95 and even less with a doctor's prescription or company code.
Allows you to monitor your stress once every three months for a year with a subscription costing $19.95.
Print out and share your results with your physician or counselor.
Increases work productivity and life satisfaction.
Join with thousands of others and invest in your health through the education provided by Stresscom.
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