“The mission of Miss Helen's Private School is to provide a positive year round learning environment in which all students are challenged to achieve their full potential.”
“Miss Helen's is a school highly regarded for academic excellence. Our students have such a postive learning experience that they want to bring their children here.”
Miss Helen's Private School has been providing excellence in early childhood education since 1954. It was then that "Miss Helen" Wingo realized many of the children entering Kindergarten had difficulty adjusting socially, emotionally as well as academically. She believed there must be a better way for the young students of Tulsa to be prepared for their academic futures. She was right and Miss Helen's Private School has grown to become a leading educational institution.
Executive Director Lynda Wingo believes in the philosophy of her mother-in-law; to provide a great learning institution where children can develop their reading, math, and social talents as well as improve communication skills and learning habits. Today Miss Helen's heritage lives on in the school's facility at 48th Street and Mingo Road. Miss Helen's offers programs in three areas, Preschool, Kindergarten, and Elementary Grades 1st through 5th.
Miss Helen's Private school employs degreed professionals and encourages ongoing teacher training throughout the school year. Each pod is supported by a lead teacher with experience and expertise in their grade level. These highly trained individuals ensure the educational experience is consistent with state and national standards as well as assure the unique needs of each student are met. All Miss Helen's Private School faculty are contracted for the entire school year. We believe the bond formed between student and teacher is important in the educational process and these contracts guarantee your child will not have the difficult transition that occurs with staff turnover. Our goal is to provide an environment full of security and compassion where we can facilitate the development of each student's exceptional talents.
Miss Helen's Private School has been recognized as a leader in early childhood education throughout the Tulsa community. The school has been selected as the "Best of the Best" by the Greater Tulsa Reporter since 2000 and Tulsa Kids has acknowledged Miss Helen's Private School as a "Parent Pick" since 1995. These awards signal Miss Helen's Private School's commitment to excellence in education.