Rob Harris is the Pastor of the Pryor First United Methodist Church.....
God continues to bless and increase those who call Pryor First their church family.
We hope next week it will be you.
Seldom a week goes by that we do not have first time visitors in our worship services.
We honor this, are respectful of it, and continue to dream and vision as to what we can do to greet all of our members and our community with a church home which blesses, encourages and teaches others to be disciples of our Lord. Truly, we are a church for the whole community.
We have spent the past two years on a course of spiritual discernment through the guidance of the conference “Strategic Plan.” We are dreaming dreams and seeing visions which are flourishing before our eyes.
Our children’s ministry is thriving through our Preschool program, Logos Ministry, VBS, Children's Sunday School and Children’s Church and music programs.
We are grateful that our new Tweens program has multiplied in both attendance and spiritual depth.
Our Youth “E3” ministry continues to grow as we outreach into our schools and through our Sunday, Wednesday and Summer Camp events. It is common to have our new youth facility full on both Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
Our Sunday morning worship service is blended and multi-generational. Our mid-week worship experience is called ‘GLOW’ and is led by nine of our Lay Speakers. And music is provided by our praise and worship band.
Our adult Sunday School classes are the life-line of the church and share responsibilities on several ‘Family Life’ activities through the year. We are also blessed with an active Senior Adult, Adult, Young Adult, Men's, Womens, Youth, Children and Mission's groups.
The Holy Spirit is alive and active at Pryor First UMC. As we come upon the summer of 2010, we are excited and hopeful about what lies just over the horizon.
We hope that your experience with Pryor First is scripture based, Christ centered and Spirit lead. You are encourage us to call our pastor or come to any of our worship services.
Pastor Rob Harris