Dr. Leu's "Pathways to Wellness" is a clinic that works on the principles of Naturopathic Medicine. This means Dr. Leu's treatments involve treating the whole body in a more natural way.
Dr. Leu’s practice is not solely oncology based. As a matter of fact, he has become an expert in natural hormone replacement therapy. As you have recently read, if women take the conventional estrogen/progestin regime, there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, blood clots, breast and uterine cancer, and stroke.
Our approach is very scientifically based. We first measure baseline hormone levels, using the very accurate and convenient salivary test. These tests measure your DHEA, testosterone, estrone, estradiol, estriol, and progesterone levels. We then build a formula based on that test, which matches your individual needs.
After being on that customized formula, we retest your salivary levels again at an appropriate time, to ensure that the formula is precise, because you can give 10 people the same dose, and their unique biochemistry will utilize it differently, requiring a fine tuning of the dose. The value of this approach is priceless, knowing that you are getting the accurate dose without fear of toxicity! Please visit our Functional Tests page to see what test are performed and why.
Did you know that some women convert their estrogens into a more toxic, inflammatory form called 16-hydroxyestrone? This estrogen metabolite, if elevated, has been associated with an increased incidence of breast and uterine cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. Did you realize we can now measure this potentially toxic hormone with a simple urine test?