We would like to welcome you to our office website. Every staff member takes great pride in their role to help our patients maintain optimal oral health. Our dental practice team is devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile. We use appropriate and state-of-the-art procedures focusing on excellence to deliver healthy, beautiful, and long lasting smiles!
Routinely, we gather information utilizing thorough examinations that include: checking the overall health of your teeth and gums, performing oral cancer exams, taking necessary digital x-rays (minimal radiation) and intra-oral photographs. We also know that routine cleanings, flossing, sealants, and fluoride are all helpful in preventing dental disease.
We believe our patients should be well informed about the condition of their oral health. To that end, we will provide them with the necessary information required for them to make informed decisions regarding specific concerns about their oral health and treatment options available. After thoroughly explaining the condition and treatment options, our patients are then encouraged to make the final decision about their dental care.
Our patients are our most important concern. In addition to treating them with dignity and respect, we are committed to delivering complete, compassionate and comfortable (PAINLESS!) care that is affordable. We strive to develop long-lasting, trusting relationships with all of our patients.
We look forward to getting acquainted with you!
Our dentists and team of dental professionals approach dental care as an art form. You'll find complete dental expertise, utilizing the latest advancements in dentistry, all here under one roof.