We welcome you to worship with us. We believe the Christian walk is a balance between the spiritual, mental and physical. We invite you to come walk with us as we develop a program for Christian growth. Please contact the church office, or one of our members if you have questions about the church.
We invite you to celebrate the Salvation in Jesus Christ. We welcome you to a place of praise and prayers as we gather as part of the family of our heavenly Father. Whether you are a new comer to Altus or a longtime resident, we greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. We would be much honored to have you come join us on Sunday’s to worship God and fellowship with First Presbyterian Church of Altus.
Altus, OK 73521 www.altusfpc.org
altuspresby@sbcglobal.net ***Handicapped Parking Available, Wheel Chair Accessible, We will try to make every effort to accommodate within the best of our abilities according to the ADA.
Welcome to this place ofpraise and prayers as we gather as part of the family of our heavenly Father. We invite you to join us now and to return again to celebrate the salvation we have in Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord of our lives.
Our mission at First Presbyterian Church of Altus is to share in Good News of our Lord Savior,Jesus Christ. We actively seek ways to explore, expand, experience, and express our faith in meaningful ways, and invite you to do the same! Worship, Fellowship, study, and service are just a few of the countless opportunities for you to engage in the spiritual life of a lifetime in an atmosphere of nurture and care, we invite you to experience God’s amazing grace while living out your faith, as we work together in God’s world.