{Southwest Oklahoma Heart and Vascular Center}
Our excellent services, compassion, care, innovations, provisions, relationships, expertise, and dedication provide a solid foundation to the mission of The Heart and Vascular Center. The mission of The Heart and Vascular Center is to provide exceptional service to our patients in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cardiovascular disease in Southwest Oklahoma.
With cardiovascular diseases being the #1 cause of death and disability in Oklahoma, it is our vision to be the recognized leader in care, treatment and prevention. Our outstanding cardiologists and staff work hard to provide exceptional cardiovascular care with state-of-the-art equipment, the latest in electronic medical records, cutting-edge techniques, and continuing education.
When you walk in to our facilities, you are not just any patient. You are our patient and will be welcomed into a compassionate, personable environment that promises to be around awhile.
Heartistry Patient Information and Training
The latest information on the heart from the American College of Cardiology