Our vision is to see thousands of people restored and empowered to achieve the dream that God has for them. The Tulsa Dream Center is about people - a place of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness. As people experience the love and compassion of God, a new generation will arise to lift their families and neighborhoods from poverty to prosperity, from crime to caring, from brokenness to blessing, from sickness to soundness, from fear to freedom!
Thank you for visiting our website. If you are interested in obtaining more information, please email or contact us 918.430.9984.
Together we will continue to build a dream with love!
It takes compassionate partners (compassion) to help feed and care for the poor and needy - to feed their spirits as well as their physical bodies. This is the key to real transformation in our community.
The Dream Center, which started as a prayer for a way to help the poor, turned into a strong community resource, created by a pastor who wanted his church to serve.
We want you to experience what God is doing here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
We will continue to build a dream with God's love! - Wendell Hope