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learning tree toys, books and games, inc. is your neighborhood specialty toy store where the shelves are packed with non -TV advertised jewels of small toy companies. Specialty means we are different in the services we offer, in the merchandise we choose to sell, and in our approach to children.
That each child is unique.
That children learn through activity.
That children need time to explore and experiment.
That adults can better nurture children if they understand how a child's uniqueness fits within patterns of growth and development.
learning tree toys, books and games, inc.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 in Wilshire Village, one block south of Wilshire on North Western Phone: (405) 848-1415
102 South Broadway - Downtown Edmond
inside Cinnamon Bears
Kid's Galaxy is the best Indoor playground in Edmond and OKC. It is a perfect venue for your child’s birthday party. Your child and his/her friends won’t want to leave! ones they come.